Chloe & Ryan had been saving for over 3 years using the government help to buy ISA which rewards them with percentage of their savings to put towards the deposit of a house purchase if you are a first time buyer. They fell in love with their home and wanted to ensure they were getting the best possible advice on their mortgage as they were unsure of the process.

Our broker took extra time with Chloe & Ryan to explain to them the full house buying process and answered to many questions they had and thanked the Leeds Money Mortgage broker for their detailed explanations. We even managed to secure a cash back on their mortgage product which helped with he overall cost of their house purchase journey 

Our brokers will take as much or little time as you need to explain and clarify the mortgage and house buying journey so that you understand and are clear on what is next. 

For a friendly no obligation first time buyer mortgage discussion, , just drop us an email at or a call on 01132 499 399 and we would love to help you 

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